

Barcelonaa, I love you!

My time here has definitely been unforgettable so far. I've met some great people and I'm having a really good time. Writing what I have done is such a process and I find myself not really having the desire to do so I'm not sure why. But I do want to say that I am having a good time. See ya.


Thinking About You

I've been neglectig writing in this for a while, I shouldn't! But well a lot has happened in the past few months. I do say I am a bit confused about a few things. I know how I want things to be, or at least in a perfect world what my life would look like. Of course it's never that way in real life. I leave for Spain in pretty much one day. Tomorrow is my last day in California for a whiiileee. I can't believe it. It's actually happening, holy shit! I'm all packed and ready to go. I'm ready. Also super stoked to see Christina again after so long and I'm really glad that H will be coming out to visit as well. It's gonna be such an awesome adventure.


Hi Friend!

So school has started and it's in full effect. It's been a good time so far and the work is a lot kind of but enjoyable. Have had some good nights and some not so good nights, but this quarter is looking to be quite the adventure. I'm a little confused but honestly choose not to even think about it and just let things happen. I'm leaving soon anyways so no need to stress about things. My living situation is great but lonely sometimes. It's all good though. Lovefest was yesterday, or should say lovevolution. It was so much fun, we got there early and didn't even have to pay the 1o dollars! Pretty sweet. Saw deadmau5 and was right in front, wayy sweet! And on the drive home we stopped at in n out, mmm. Got back and watched detroit rock city with dave and went to bed. Today's been a homework day and I actually signed up to be in a soccer league with people from the ILC. Sounds like a lot of fun, I'm really excited actually. Well I should try and finish my spanish homework now, adieu!



I'm in Chicago at the moment helping my sister move into her new apartment here and just hanging out for a few days. My mom leaves saturday morning and I don't leave until Wednesday. Tomorrow I'm going to see Bloody Beetroots and Crookers! I'm very stoked to finally be seeing them both, but it's too bad I won't be going to hard summer. Anyways, my time here has been fun and I guess the fin part is barely coming because we are finished moving my sister in now. I already miss home though. I miss my Santa Cruz friends and my friends in LA. I got a call from a friend in SC tonight calling because he was in LA but unfortunately I'm all the half way across the country! Oh well. I really miss h too, I don't think I've gone this long without seeing him ever since I met him over a year ago. It is a long time to not see or really talk to my best friend! I will see him and other SC friends once I get back for a little get together for my kitty cat. I will miss her so much oh geez I don't know what I'm gonna do! I've also started to learn French with Rosetta Stone. It really works quite well! I'm very happy with everything that I've learned so far and I'm barely finishing like the first part of 4 in level 1. It's a lot of fun haha. Well the time difference here is so annoying and it just messes with my sleep way more that it is already is messed up. I feel like I should just go to bed now but it's so early really. Oh well, I'm gonna goooo. Au Revoir! haha


Tomorrow Never Knows

So I did a lot of cleaning today and yesterday. Threw away so much shit, I have no idea why I was keeping it all haha. Anyways, this process put me through major flashbacks and the like. It was weird. Things from my childhood all the way to my freshman year of college. It was almost overwhelming, some things made me smile and some made me sad. It was good to clean up though. I feel like my room is a lot less cluttered now even though it might now look that way haha. I found this notebook during this cleaning binge and I have decided to write in it until I fill it up with whatever I am feeling and thinking. I really want to accomplish this goal. I don't care how long it takes. Lately I have been listening to the beatles non stop. I have rekindled my love for them. It's so nice when things like this happen, I fucking love the beatles. Just watched Magical Mystery Tour and Yellow Submarine tonight. So good. Well I should be going to bed now, it's very late. Until next time. Ciao!